Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I Think I'm a Bit Mean

Have you ever dealt with some random person who has no idea that he is the most annoying creature that ever lived? Plus, he's always making things up to get attention? I guess I'm lucky to be strange enough to not have to make things up.

This kid is unreal. He's really young, but he claims to have had all manner of jobs (some of which I know would not hire anyone his age). He has also had a lot of really horrible things happen to him (most of which are very rare and random events to happen to anyone of any age). If anyone mentions any subject, he is instantly the person who has the biggest tale to tell about it. Honestly, this kid would be an excellent writer. Of fiction.

I've been thinking of making up some disease, getting a bunch of the mean people at work to go along with it and seeing if it inspires another tall tale of him or somebody he knows who has it. Now, I do have to feel a little sorry for him. He is a kid among a lot of adults, and I figure this is just his way of trying to fit in. I probably won't pull any tricks on him. However, he does drive everyone nuts, so it isn't just me. I'll just continue to nod, politely. Dealing with him makes me miss having a bottle of Xanax handy, though.

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