Tuesday, November 8, 2011

I Don't Know If I Should Be Blogging

I really don't know if I should be blogging. I'm not very interesting, in my own opinion. I'm just a little odd, actually. I find other people interesting, but I have a big thing about leaving people's private lives alone. That includes famous people. If the information is something that they choose to share, this is fine with me. I like to read about others, real or fictitious. I just think I would find it offensive if people were always bothering me, so I try to imagine what it would be like to live in the limelight. I don't think I would like it. I enjoy my privacy and try to respect the privacy of others.

I find my kids fascinating. I have a teenaged daughter who is so very unlike me that it is just a little scary. I like that she's not like me, though. My sons are both in elementary, and they are also both autistic. This mostly means that they're smarter than me. There is no point in trying to child-proof anything with them around. My boys are so frighteningly brilliant that they can dance circles around the adults when it concerns any kind of puzzle or how to get to things they shouldn't have. I'm not sure if I should be so proud of my kids for their skills in getting around the adults in their lives. That goes for all of them.

My daughter is good at math, and I have a degree in English. That should illustrate a lot of the differences between us. She's also a nicer kid than I was. This is a relief. I still wonder how my parents managed to not murder me during childhood. She is also able to kick the crap out of me at various Xbox games.

My older son is 7, and he is the world's smallest adult in a lot of ways. Yes, he has some socialization issues, and he has to learn differently, but give him the controller to any gaming system, and he'll own it in no time. He is extremely intense. Hand him any kind of thing that hurls projectiles about, and he'll hit everything at which he aims. Thankfully, he is also very dedicated to his learning, so he is getting better and better at being around people. He treats his therapies as skills to be learned.

My younger son (my baby) is 6. He is much more laid back and social. He loves people. He is just as able as his brother, but he has to want things to make an effort. Mostly, this one tries to find ways to use how cute he is to get what he wants. However, he can also hit anything with a projectile hurling instrument, and he is also quite good at sneaking. He's a little ninja.

Finally, there is the amazing man who manages to live with the bunch of us without running away, screaming. I sure got lucky, there. He's a quiet man, and he's easy to be around. He works hard, but he still manages to know how to be fun. I'm really glad he has a great sense of humor. Yes, of course, we want to kill each other, at times. However, he has managed to refrain for over ten years, so I grant him the same courtesy.

I will be more specific about things as they occur to me. This is just a new thing for me to try. I don't know what I will always say, but I can guarantee that there will be a point hidden in my posts. Blogging: my next adventure.

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