Monday, November 14, 2011

Midnight. Again!

Midnight, again. I always seem to be up at midnight. I have no idea why. I finished looking at the benefits enrollment thingy from work. I have to have some things answered before I make my decision, there. I looked for the title to my vehicle at the request of the husband-type. I think I know where it is. I definitely know where it is not. That's progress.

I know I probably look like a moron. Imagine the dumpy house-frau sitting at a pc while listening to Nine Inch Nails. Yep, that's me. Well, except that I switched to Disturbed. Honestly, it has to be a hilarious picture. I really need to get off my fat ass and dance to it, regardless of how idiotic I look. Maybe I wouldn't look so dumpy if I lost half a ton.

The key to this is to find the kind of exercises that I can do inconspicuously at work. I get really stiff and sore while I'm sitting, so I would like to figure out what I can do to avoid getting stiff (keep your mind out of the gutter, please). Also, I would need to not squig out the people in the vicinity. I'm still really new at my job, so I need to blend, a little.

I guess, I'll spend some time Googling desk exercises. I do have the option of walking during breaks and lunches, too. There's a little track for us, and everything. I just have to get a person to do it with me (again, mind out of gutter, please). Maybe then I could get my ass in bed before midnight. I can even get discounts on my health insurance if I do this, and I can get some bonuses, too. I need more motivation.

Well, this lazy heiffer is going to get with it. At least, my midnight ramblings have motivated me to take a look for something healthy. That's a step in the right direction......

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I have always been one of those people who is like a zombie in the mornings. My only intelligible word that is not frowned upon is caffeine. However, I was never able to stomach coffee. I just couldn't get past the bitter taste, no matter how much sugar and creamer were available. I really felt that it made the coffee taste nastier when I'd try to doctor it. I got my caffeine from Mtn. Dew.

Mtn. Dew has plenty of caffeine, but the sugar is what started concerning me. I have family members who have to deal with the whole diabetic thing. Since I seem to have been swimming in the filter of the gene pool, where all the hereditary crap that nobody wants is, it seemed like a good idea to start trying to reduce the amount of sugar that I swill on a daily basis. I tried diet drinks. No dice. The aspartame seems to flare up the fibromyalgia. I tried tea, but I could never make it strong enough to meet my caffeine needs. I did discover Stevia, though. It's an all-natural sweetener that tastes pretty good, and it doesn't flare my fibro. Now, I just had to figure out the caffeine dilemma.

At my newly acquired job, I decided to try some coffee. I put a little bit of sugar (I was out of Stevia) and some chocolate milk in it. Problem solved. After a week of this, I started trying various creamers. Bingo! Bonus! I have finally gotten past the bitter taste of coffee! After only a week, I started using very little sweetener and creamer, but my caffeine addiction is now being fed, quite nicely, too. I now see how people who are human and reasonable in the morning hours can do it.

My new zombie saying is coffeeeeeeeee.......I am a nicer and more reasonable person before noon, now. What is ironic is that I am now able to sleep at night, and I sleep much better. It seems that drinking coffee until it is sometime in the early afternoon keeps me going until bedtime. Once the coffee high leaves my system, I am able to crash. I have found my life support.

Since I have been drinking coffee, I have been easing myself into the ability to drink it black. I will get there. Once I do that, I will not have to worry about sugar levels, so much. I barely sweeten my tea, which is what I now drink in the afternoons and evenings. Wow, desperation leads to a better life choice. While living on coffee is not the best thing to do, it has got to be better for me than living on Mtn. Dew.

Well, now my cup is empty. I have to go get more coffeeeeeeee......

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I Think I'm a Bit Mean

Have you ever dealt with some random person who has no idea that he is the most annoying creature that ever lived? Plus, he's always making things up to get attention? I guess I'm lucky to be strange enough to not have to make things up.

This kid is unreal. He's really young, but he claims to have had all manner of jobs (some of which I know would not hire anyone his age). He has also had a lot of really horrible things happen to him (most of which are very rare and random events to happen to anyone of any age). If anyone mentions any subject, he is instantly the person who has the biggest tale to tell about it. Honestly, this kid would be an excellent writer. Of fiction.

I've been thinking of making up some disease, getting a bunch of the mean people at work to go along with it and seeing if it inspires another tall tale of him or somebody he knows who has it. Now, I do have to feel a little sorry for him. He is a kid among a lot of adults, and I figure this is just his way of trying to fit in. I probably won't pull any tricks on him. However, he does drive everyone nuts, so it isn't just me. I'll just continue to nod, politely. Dealing with him makes me miss having a bottle of Xanax handy, though.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011


Ok, I know this is really soon, but thanks to the teenager, I will be up till a heinous hour waiting for a load of laundry to dry. I'll blast her in the morning for not removing the quilt that was being made in the lint trap in the dryer.

Now, what to discuss......hmmm.....I know! New tattoos! My last tattoo was a dagger that is very like the one that adorns the neck of Taarna the Taarakian in the movie Heavy Metal. Anyone who would like to look can visit me on Twitter. I'm @GintheTaarakian. Yeah, I know, I wish, right? Honestly, who is a more bad-assed woman to be my heroine? I even have a sword, although I don't have the sweet birdy thingy. Really, I'd prefer a dragon, anyway. Plus, she never speaks, and I never stop. Oh, and she's hot. I'm a dumpy mom  and wife-like person. (No, I'm not legally married, but I take a sort of hippy attitude about legal marriage.) Still, it's an awesome tattoo.

I am currently planning my next one with a friend. This young man was once a student of mine, and he directed me to broadening my musical horizons. Yes, I like the Psychopathic Records artists. In fact, I love them. I was pretty much a hard rock, heavy metal, classic rock type. I like a bit of everything, though. I find that listening to Twiztid, ICP, ABK, Boondox, and on, and on, is an excellent way for me to vent my venom when I decide that I don't like anyone. Then I feel better. I also really get into the concept of family that they feel. They are also incredibly good to their fans. I respect that.

The point of all of that is that I am planning a tattoo that honors that. I love when the various guys get together to be Dark Lotus. I feel that at my age (35), I would look like a moron with a new tattoo of the Hatchet Man. Instead, I want a good drawing of a lotus blossom. It will be outlined in black with a dark red color, inside. Then, I want to have the word clann underneath. It is one of the Irish Gaelic words that means family. Since I got my last tattoo on my neck, I'd like to get this one on my chest, just under the collar bone.

I haven't found the dragon that I want for a tattoo, yet. I have found the cross that I want to go on my upper back. It's gorgeous. Of course, I already have a rose in black on my lower back. I like that one, too. If I had all the money and time in the world, I'd be a freaking canvas. What is it about people? Once we get one tattoo, we have to get a whole lot more? I've heard this is called an addiction. Works for me!

Well, the load of laundry should be dry, now. This was fun!

I Don't Know If I Should Be Blogging

I really don't know if I should be blogging. I'm not very interesting, in my own opinion. I'm just a little odd, actually. I find other people interesting, but I have a big thing about leaving people's private lives alone. That includes famous people. If the information is something that they choose to share, this is fine with me. I like to read about others, real or fictitious. I just think I would find it offensive if people were always bothering me, so I try to imagine what it would be like to live in the limelight. I don't think I would like it. I enjoy my privacy and try to respect the privacy of others.

I find my kids fascinating. I have a teenaged daughter who is so very unlike me that it is just a little scary. I like that she's not like me, though. My sons are both in elementary, and they are also both autistic. This mostly means that they're smarter than me. There is no point in trying to child-proof anything with them around. My boys are so frighteningly brilliant that they can dance circles around the adults when it concerns any kind of puzzle or how to get to things they shouldn't have. I'm not sure if I should be so proud of my kids for their skills in getting around the adults in their lives. That goes for all of them.

My daughter is good at math, and I have a degree in English. That should illustrate a lot of the differences between us. She's also a nicer kid than I was. This is a relief. I still wonder how my parents managed to not murder me during childhood. She is also able to kick the crap out of me at various Xbox games.

My older son is 7, and he is the world's smallest adult in a lot of ways. Yes, he has some socialization issues, and he has to learn differently, but give him the controller to any gaming system, and he'll own it in no time. He is extremely intense. Hand him any kind of thing that hurls projectiles about, and he'll hit everything at which he aims. Thankfully, he is also very dedicated to his learning, so he is getting better and better at being around people. He treats his therapies as skills to be learned.

My younger son (my baby) is 6. He is much more laid back and social. He loves people. He is just as able as his brother, but he has to want things to make an effort. Mostly, this one tries to find ways to use how cute he is to get what he wants. However, he can also hit anything with a projectile hurling instrument, and he is also quite good at sneaking. He's a little ninja.

Finally, there is the amazing man who manages to live with the bunch of us without running away, screaming. I sure got lucky, there. He's a quiet man, and he's easy to be around. He works hard, but he still manages to know how to be fun. I'm really glad he has a great sense of humor. Yes, of course, we want to kill each other, at times. However, he has managed to refrain for over ten years, so I grant him the same courtesy.

I will be more specific about things as they occur to me. This is just a new thing for me to try. I don't know what I will always say, but I can guarantee that there will be a point hidden in my posts. Blogging: my next adventure.