Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Holy funny crap!!!!

I almost forgot the funniest thing that happened the other day! First, there has to be some background.

Back in January, I got myself a mini-Yorkie for my birthday.This puppy's mother is a lovely, full-sized Yorkie, and the father is a tea-cup Yorkie. Please, don't ask me how that worked out. I don't want that image in my head. Whatever caused it, the result was a litter of adorable, yappy, little fuzzballs that are reminiscent of Ewoks. I had to have one. Seriously, I'm a Star Wars geek. Enough said.

I bring home this tiny, little speck of a dog, and I have already decided what to name her, which requires yet another explanation. My mother was driving from my sister's home in a small town in Oklahoma to a town outside Dallas. On the highway, there are a lot of tiny towns that cause a driver to constantly have to slow down and speed back up, which can be quite annoying. In a fit of pique, my mother cursed the "ditzels." That became our family's name for those types of towns from that day forward. We loved it.

Anyway, back to the funny story. As you might suspect, I named my tiny little dog Ditzel. Yep. Ditzel. Ditzi for short. I could go on for days with the funny things that have occurred since she moved in, and I will probably make a point to add posts of her antics, now that I'm trying to write again. However, this story is more than enough for one night.

Every day when I get home from work, the kids want to get Ditzel out of her play pen. Since she is so tiny, and our boys are still learning how to play with her and how to be gentle, they have to have permission and somebody to keep an eye on things while they do. The teenager is not so good at that.

When I got home the other day, I was met at the door with the usual question, and I told the boys that they could let Ditzel out to play. Of course, I'm heading to the bathroom to go potty, so the dog follows, jumping like she has springs on her feet to say hi. She kept jumping, and just as I was about to sit down on the toilet, she jumped and landed in the toilet bowl.

Yes. You read that right. She landed in the toilet bowl. Being a tiny dog, she fit perfectly. Thankfully, I had not sat down to go yet, and nobody had left an unflushed bowl. I still had the teenager wash the dog, but seriously, it was a good thing that I was near the toilet because once she was out of the way, I was laughing so hard that I would have had an accident if I hadn't been near one.

I just had to share something incredibly hilarious. I hope you were able to picture that and get a least a good chuckle from it. It sure makes me laugh every time I think of it!
My last post was a long time ago. I think most of my previous posts deal with work-related things, tattoos and family oddities. Why should this one be any different? Insomnia breeds strange musings.

To continue the tattoo tale that I had begun, my artist and i designed a quite lovely lotus and vine chest piece that goes from collar bone, down to middle chest (above cleavage), to the other collar bone, as you can see if you visit my Twitter page (@ginthetaarakian). It's very prominent on my chest. I am quite happy with it, and there is a lot of humor to be had when people stop to explain that they are not looking at my boobs but rather my tattoo. I also have a new piercing to go along with it. I already had the double-tongue piercing, belly button and Monroe when I last posted. Now, I also have a dermal on my left cheekbone, just below and out from the corner of my left eye. I do quite adore it.

Recently, I have added yet another tattoo, as well. I got the Triple Goddess symbol on my back between my shoulder blades. It was so beautifully done by the same artist who did my chest and arm pieces. Oh, yeah. I got some Irish Gaelic writing on my arms, too. All tattoos are on my Twitter page.

I am quite fortunate to work in a call center that does not give a hoot whether I have visible tattoos and piercings because they are much more interested in the quality of my work. So much so that they have promoted me to a supervisor job. I love the challenge of it, and since I enjoy chaos, I am really in my element there. Plus, there is a huge mix of personality types in this place, so that in itself makes work a lot of fun.

My hubby and kids are all doing incredibly well, which makes me happy, but I feel a huge load of guilt for how much my job is now taking me away from them, of course. Oh, well. Price of success, and all. I stress and guilt myself out more than anyone else ever could.

The sad part of the time that has passed is that my Grandma passed away very recently. I reflect a lot on how lucky I am to have had her. She was the one who taught me how to play poker and Dirty Word Scrabble. She also was the one who never made me feel as if I had to be anyone other than exactly who and what I am. No matter whether or not I'm a twerp, or weird or make bad decisions, this woman's love is assured. If this was the only lesson that I learned from her, then I would consider myself blessed, but there were too many things to name.

Right now, I am searching for the right design with her favorite flowers for a tattoo in her honor. Oh, well. Now, I'll either get back to it or go to bed. We'll see on which route the newest happy makers send me tonight.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What's New,?

Well, last time I wrote, I discussed the entertaining method in which I obtained the sweet, little laptop on which I am currently hammering away. I think tonight is going to be the night that I begin my tale of tattoos. I think most people put a lot of thought and meaning into the permanent body art they choose to have. I know that there are some who do not think things through, and there are some who refuse to be dissuaded, even though it is patently obvious that the tattoo they want will be something they regret, after the fact.

I am in the first category, and I also fall into the category of people who do well with taking their own general concept and working with the artist to maximize the idea to fit with who I am, what I like and what will look the best on me. I love each of the tattoos that I have gotten. While I went in with pictures and plans, I am no artist, so I had to work with the person who was going to do the ink to find the best possible way to permanently mark my skin.

My first tattoo is what is known as a "tramp stamp." That being the case, I would like to point out that they were not yet the fashion when I got mine. However, even with the tattoo being as old as it is, I am extremely impressed with how it still looks. I have never had to have it re-inked. The artist, Jeff, told me that he was inking it in such a way as to keep me from having to have it touched up quite so often. That tattoo is actually the bottom part of a drawing that was on the wall at the shop. It has one large, open rose in the middle with two closed buds on either side and leaves that finish it to either side.

It was many years before I could afford another tattoo, so when I finally got to get another one, even though it had to be small and inexpensive, I was able to get a most awesome one. I don't know about anybody else, but I always thought that Taarna the Taarakian from Heavy Metal (1983) was the most kick-ass female hero, ever. Seriously, this woman could throw down, wield a sword, ride a flying thingy, and not fall out of that outfit. Now, that's talent! She also has a birthmark on her neck in the shape of a red dagger. I took a screen shot while watching the DVD on the computer, printed the picture and took it to a tattoo artist. Finding one who would put one on my neck was a challenge, but this young guy drew it up for me. It was just different enough from the original to make it mine, but enough like it that people who are devotees will know it for what it is. Personally, I consider it a mark of triumph over the pain that I face daily due to a chronic pain condition. It proves that I, too, am a tough bitch! Plus, my husband thinks it's really hot! Honestly, though, it was a tattoo I had thought about getting for years, and it was just the right time in my life to finally get it. So, I did!

To be continued..............

Sunday, April 1, 2012

In With the New!

I always love this time of year. I'm usually getting a tax refund, and my other half is usually getting his bonus. This means we take care of a few annoying bills, do the things we couldn't afford to do during regular pay periods, and get a few things that we covet, like tattoos, electronics and miscellaneous things. Today, I'll talk about how I got the laptop that I now have. 

There I am, diddling around on the HP website, since my husband gets a discount on HP through his job. My last laptop was trashed during a camping trip when my middle child had gotten too hot and vomited into my pretty, new toy that I had brought with the intention that the children would be able to watch movies with it. Like a moron, I did not get the warranty that would have covered child vomit. Dammit.

Thanks to the quick thinking of my mother-in-law and hubby, there was not too much inside the keyboard, and the damn thing still kind of works. However, during the cleaning process, keys were removed and could not be replaced. I solved this problem by hooking up a regular keyboard to it, but it understandably had serious issues and was not a reliable machine, anymore.

Unfortunately for me, the only other computer in the house is the desk top. It's pretty decent, but I hate having to sit in the chair at the desk for very long. I get stiff and my feet freeze, regardless of the season. We must have the ghosts of many dead mice in that corner. Plus, the rotten, gaming hubby hogs it.

Anyway, back to the HP website. I just could not convince myself to spend that money, again, so I decided to look on Ebay. Why not? I farted around for a while, and I found a little Dell laptop. I'm not too picky, and the specs looked decent. The auction was about to end, and the bidding was around $175. I got silly and put in a bid of $176.50. I put in a maximum of $179 or $180, I think. Much to my surprise and dismay, I won. Oops! How do I tell the hubby?

I did tell the hubby. I just inserted this non sequitur into the conversation, "Oh, and I kind of won a laptop on Ebay, today." Then I continued the conversation. It turns out that he does pay attention to some of what I say. Who knew? I explained the situation to him, and he was fine with it. After I got the laptop and set it up, he explored it a little and was pleased with my purchase and the bargain!

Now, I have a laptop again! Yay, me! It's so much easier to blog and write, now that I have portability, again. Well, that's all for tonight, folks. Good night!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Heeeeeere's Ginn!

It has been a while! The strangest things happen in my life. I shall be writing of them. It will now be easier and more convenient for me to do so, and I will write a whole discourse on the reason, soon. I do promise to be a better blogger in the future. I solemnly swear. A lot. I do swear, quite a bit, really. I take pride in doing so and being inventive with it. Anyway, I shall write again, soon. Until then, um.........yeah, until then.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Midnight. Again!

Midnight, again. I always seem to be up at midnight. I have no idea why. I finished looking at the benefits enrollment thingy from work. I have to have some things answered before I make my decision, there. I looked for the title to my vehicle at the request of the husband-type. I think I know where it is. I definitely know where it is not. That's progress.

I know I probably look like a moron. Imagine the dumpy house-frau sitting at a pc while listening to Nine Inch Nails. Yep, that's me. Well, except that I switched to Disturbed. Honestly, it has to be a hilarious picture. I really need to get off my fat ass and dance to it, regardless of how idiotic I look. Maybe I wouldn't look so dumpy if I lost half a ton.

The key to this is to find the kind of exercises that I can do inconspicuously at work. I get really stiff and sore while I'm sitting, so I would like to figure out what I can do to avoid getting stiff (keep your mind out of the gutter, please). Also, I would need to not squig out the people in the vicinity. I'm still really new at my job, so I need to blend, a little.

I guess, I'll spend some time Googling desk exercises. I do have the option of walking during breaks and lunches, too. There's a little track for us, and everything. I just have to get a person to do it with me (again, mind out of gutter, please). Maybe then I could get my ass in bed before midnight. I can even get discounts on my health insurance if I do this, and I can get some bonuses, too. I need more motivation.

Well, this lazy heiffer is going to get with it. At least, my midnight ramblings have motivated me to take a look for something healthy. That's a step in the right direction......

Saturday, November 12, 2011


I have always been one of those people who is like a zombie in the mornings. My only intelligible word that is not frowned upon is caffeine. However, I was never able to stomach coffee. I just couldn't get past the bitter taste, no matter how much sugar and creamer were available. I really felt that it made the coffee taste nastier when I'd try to doctor it. I got my caffeine from Mtn. Dew.

Mtn. Dew has plenty of caffeine, but the sugar is what started concerning me. I have family members who have to deal with the whole diabetic thing. Since I seem to have been swimming in the filter of the gene pool, where all the hereditary crap that nobody wants is, it seemed like a good idea to start trying to reduce the amount of sugar that I swill on a daily basis. I tried diet drinks. No dice. The aspartame seems to flare up the fibromyalgia. I tried tea, but I could never make it strong enough to meet my caffeine needs. I did discover Stevia, though. It's an all-natural sweetener that tastes pretty good, and it doesn't flare my fibro. Now, I just had to figure out the caffeine dilemma.

At my newly acquired job, I decided to try some coffee. I put a little bit of sugar (I was out of Stevia) and some chocolate milk in it. Problem solved. After a week of this, I started trying various creamers. Bingo! Bonus! I have finally gotten past the bitter taste of coffee! After only a week, I started using very little sweetener and creamer, but my caffeine addiction is now being fed, quite nicely, too. I now see how people who are human and reasonable in the morning hours can do it.

My new zombie saying is coffeeeeeeeee.......I am a nicer and more reasonable person before noon, now. What is ironic is that I am now able to sleep at night, and I sleep much better. It seems that drinking coffee until it is sometime in the early afternoon keeps me going until bedtime. Once the coffee high leaves my system, I am able to crash. I have found my life support.

Since I have been drinking coffee, I have been easing myself into the ability to drink it black. I will get there. Once I do that, I will not have to worry about sugar levels, so much. I barely sweeten my tea, which is what I now drink in the afternoons and evenings. Wow, desperation leads to a better life choice. While living on coffee is not the best thing to do, it has got to be better for me than living on Mtn. Dew.

Well, now my cup is empty. I have to go get more coffeeeeeeee......